If you want to live in a mouse-free house . . .
5 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
. . . never keep any olives or celery around, Warner Bros. warns us. In one cartoon after another, pint-sized rodents are depicted going for these martini accessories whenever they raid the refrigerator. Folks who feel that they can live in a Rodentless environment while keeping a jar of olives around are totally Looney Tunes, Warner cautions America. Mice stalk celery with an equal fervor, as the grooved vegetable makes a perfect slide to convey rounded food--such as olives--down to their preferred floor level. If the lazy fat cat Dodsworth, featured here in KIDDIN' THE KITTEN, had passed Fourth Grade, he'd know enough to tell his mistress that olives and peace of mind just don't mix. He'd also know enough to inform her that no one can live happily on Yesteryear's Celery. But Dodsworth is a self-described Third Grade Drop-out, so he runs the constant risk of losing his position as a Mouser-in-Chief. Sure enough, even the lowliest kitten Dodsworth can dredge up has enough knowledge to run circles around the Blubberous Elder Cat, since this youngster no doubt has finished Fourth Grade. Stay in school, Kids, Warner advises the Youth of America here.
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