Semper Fight (2014)
This Is An Absolute Insult To Every Man/Woman Who Have Served In The Military!
5 May 2016
I am at a loss as to how this movie is sitting on IMDb with a rating of 7.0!

Don't waste your time... and even more, don't waste your money!

Yes, there are Marines who come out of service with issues. Yes, there are Marines who have and will commit crimes. To combine every negative possibility into one group of roommates is obnoxious, insulting and one of the most disrespectful portrayals I've ever seen. The jackass that wrote this film took an honorable calling, those who serve in the US Marine Corp, and twisted it into something so unrecognizable that I was left speechless after watching this.

I must admit, I almost wish there was a group of Neanderthal Marines, such as is displayed here, that the writer of this film could meet... one on one, face to face. That'd be a meeting worth attending!
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