Very Pleasant Surprise
9 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The only reason I started watching this film was because of Chris O'Dowd, whom I'd seen before in Bridesmaids and Moon Boy, which I loved: but since I'd never heard of it, I thought it probably wouldn't be very good.

This little picture definitely invites Shaun of the Dead comparisons. It's a romantic comedy set mostly in a British pub with SF/horror/fantasy elements. After being introduced to our three main characters, O'Dowd's Ray has a "meet cute" when he's on his way back from the bar with another round for himself and his mates when Anna Faris introduces herself as a time traveler.

Unlike most time travel films, this one tries very hard to adhere to it's own logic. I did find one plot hole that still nags me (if Pete went back in time so far that he was on primordial Earth before the time-traveling loo had even been built yet, then how'd he get back into the same time frame as his buddies?) This doesn't ruin the film, but the briefest of explanations could have sewn up this plot hole in just a few seconds.

Even non geeks can find this film fun and entertaining. If you're in a Shaun of the Dead mood, but your viewing partner is as gore- averse as my wife, this is a great alternative.
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