Starts well, then lectures, then bores...
9 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This film has talented star power and an interesting premise, albeit this type of film has already been done, but where it fails is the inaction by Aaron's character and his unwillingness to follow orders. His actions challenge a direct order, and in real life scenario under these circumstances this would not happen.. he would be removed. It becomes a moral lecture on when it's right to take a life. The movie could easily have been a one hour show but it spends too much time debating and discussing the 'hit', all because a little girl is in danger. I mean, gimme a break... there are seriously bad people conspiring in the building in question and can be taken out with a accurate strike from the drone.

I'm not sure about others who saw this movie, but I was starting to squirm in my seat and mule out loud.. "just press the damn button"!! The movie fails not because it isn't well acted or the story has no potential. It fails because it is unrealistic. The trigger man would not see one girl as sufficient collateral damage when many high risk targets are at stake, targets that have not been in one place for years!

If you like a movie that tries to show the sensitive and caring side of a young inexperienced man whose job it is to carry out orders from a group of senior experts who've dedicated their life to tracking these terrorists but is allowed to stall the decision at the risk of losing the shot by dithering over the possibility (they debate percentages of death ad nauseum) of a cute a little girl dying, then you'll like this movie. But I think most of us know the post 9/11 world we live in and how lucky the military would be to finally after years eliminate a number of known terrorists with one strike and not dedicate 45 minutes of a movie to hand-wringing and needless prevarication. It didn't make me yawn so much as make me angry... see it if you like, and tell me if you don't start pushing an imaginary button on your theater arm rest...
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