Indigenous (2014)
Decent enough creature feature if still problematic
10 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Traveling to Panama together, a group of friends are talked into visiting a mysterious waterfall deep in the jungle only to discover the native folklore of a deadly creature living there is true and must find a way of stopping the creature to get out alive.

This one wasn't all that bad but certainly does have some major problems about it. One of the film's biggest problems here is the actual handling of the build-up of the group getting to the main gist of the film which is supposed to be them stranded in the jungle with the creature. Here, it's way too much time of them screwing around with the locals and hanging out doing nothing but ragging on each other that it really starts to get aggravating waiting around for them to get going. It takes up so much time that there's never any real interest gleaned from these segments which just go on for so long that it really starts to wane the interest level in the beginning of this one. The fact that this one really relies on so much time here ripping off other movies that most of what happens here isn't that original or creative and leads to so many portions of the movie that are just cheaply- done imitations of other scenes from other films out there where it takes this one into really familiar territory as scenes of them lurking in the jungle or exploring the area. As well, there's even the feeling later on in the final twenty minutes of this one changing tone for the worst as it inexplicably turns into a more epic worldwide feel with the social media around the world that really takes out a lot of steam at the wrong moment. This is quite a downer of an ending that really doesn't have too much to do with the film as a whole, really helping to lower this one as well. There's a few solid points that works here. This one works quite a lot of mileage out of the location utilized here, with the rather scenic location given a nice look here that makes this one quite creepy as they walk through the jungle. That helps the big scenes in the later half when they start getting attacked by the creature which is quite fun here when this one generates some really decent ambushes. That leads to a few decent moments that generates the appropriate amount of fear and chaos that comes about from their attacks as it winds through the later stages here as it really comes off rather nicely. The creature itself looks great when we get to see it, but overall it's not enough to really help this one.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and Brief Nudity.
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