In many Warner Bros. Yosemite Sam cartoons . . .
11 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
. . . the main focus of the humor is in using the blustering gnome Sam to poke fun at his live-action Big Screen contemporary, horse opera Oater headliner John Wayne. This is never more so than with BUGS BUNNY RIDES AGAIN. Filmed at a time when Communist Party Sleeper Cell Kingpin (as revealed in BIG JIM McLAIN) Wayne was enforcing Moscow's KGB Discipline by fingering West Coast Free Thinkers such as John Garfield and Errol Flynn for Black Ops Assassination by "Natural Death," most of Hollywood cowered and quaked in the shadow of this self-styled "Il Duce." Warner renders these yellow-bellies as the "skunks" fleeing the saloon at the beginning of AGAIN. Knowing that Wayne had a bee in his bonnet over Gary Cooper's All-American Classic HIGH NOON, Bugs immediately rubs Sam's nose in NOON with his Gary Cooper reference. Since Wayne's obsession with THE ALAMO already was a great point of ridicule in Tinseltown Scuttlebutt, Bugs draws "Colonel" William Barret "Buck" Travis' infamous "Line in the Sand" 1,348 times. Sam crosses all 1,348 lines, the final one being his downfall. (Mindful of BUGS BUNNY RIDES AGAIN, Wayne DELETED this Most Famous Moment in All Texas History when he finally did get his ALAMO vanity project in the can, enraging most of the Blown Star State.) Finally, Warner broadcasts the previously whispered rumors about Il Duce's sexuality by ending this short with Bugs snatching all the human females away from Sam, Wayne's surrogate.
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