Masters of Illusion (2014– )
Magical Variety
14 May 2016
Watching this show is like eating popcorn. Delicious popcorn. You can't get enough. You keep stuffing more and more into your mouth and still you can't get enough. It's fun. It's fast. It's magic! OK,so some people take the title too seriously and object that these aren't really "masters" of magic. Uh, that's called salesmanship, kids. Don't take it so literally. Some of the magic on this show is truly amazing. Some of it is kind of cheesy. But it's all good. Oh, and one more thing. You want beautiful girls? This show has more beautiful girls than any other show on TV! It's retro. It's future. It's now. It's cool. It's hip. It's jazzy. So watch, relax....and enjoy the magic!
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