The Twilight Zone: The Howling Man (1960)
Season 2, Episode 5
14 May 2016
What does a dark castle, a stormy night and a howling man all have in common? One of the best that The Twilight Zone has shown the world. David Ellington (H.M. Wynant) stumbles across a castle while looking for shelter from a storm. The brotherhood that inhabits that castle is not pleased about having an uninvited guest and makes it no secret, that they have a secret. Every actor is convincing and dead on to where you can agree with both sides to this story. The climax is wonderful and haunting, and the Gothic theme sets this episode apart from the others. This was honestly an episode that could have been in season 4, when each episode was 45 minutes. Some things are not explained to where I would be content, however, I am still giving this a 10/10 due to everything be done so well. My kids love this. I love this. Enjoy, and keep an ear out for any howling you may encounter in your travels.
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