Too many liars and stupid people on this show
17 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I just got finished watching this show, and I can't believe that so many of the people they picked to interview and share their stories were clearly lying about them. Let's take the infamous 3, Park, Wu, and McCurdy.

For Park, she claimed that after she went on her news interview, that people began to misquote her on twitter. However, I looked at that interview and most of the tweets sent to her were in fact correct. She did admit that when her opinion was called stupid that white people don't have the right to an opinion on the issue she started, and that they would never understand the situation. In addition, Park even lied about her time in New York because she contradicted herself when she talked about it. At first she claimed that she didn't leave the apartment she stayed at, but then she stated that while she was clubbing that there were these guys who took pictures of her in Brooklyn and Queens. Now how would Park even be in Brooklyn and in Queens when she stated that she was inside of the apartment for the entire time? That's a liar right there.

Meanwhile with Wu, there are too many tweets that people have picked up that show on how she often sent harassment threads to herself, she never left her home in Mass., she even lied about people actually hunting her down to kill her. For instance, that video with the guy who crashed his car was not on his way to kill Wu, and Wu even tweeted that certain death threats were a hoax.

As with McCurdy, it's very clear that she lied about the wrong emoji. For instance, I looked at some of her other posts she made on Facebook and she wanted Hattiesburg to turn into a Baltimore riot. She even claimed that officers take lives every day, clearly displaying that she was celebrating the deaths of the officers. Plus, if she really quit her job why would there be news articles and press statements from Subway that claimed she was fired.

Now for the stupid people. Cameron and Nicole were clearly doing stupid things that ruined their lives in the first place. Cameron clearly should've known that you cannot put human waste or any kind of unsanitary items into food. It's all part of fast food training. I should know this because I used to work for fast food a while ago and this was stressed a lot; you can't serve tainted food of any kind. Because every person who has done stunts like his, has gotten fired.

As for Nicole, one of the cardinal rules of acting she should've known was that you can't post spoilers of an episode, movie, etc on social media. No professional actor posts spoilers, or that would cost them their jobs. Imagine if Mark Hamil posted spoilers to the Force Awakens? He would never be Luke Skywalker again because it's the equivalent of working in retail and shop lifting from your store. You will never be able to work in the same environment again because people won't be able to trust you.

All in all, this series would've been much better if they didn't feature liars and stupid people. Because the internet didn't ruin their lives, they ruined their own lives.
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