The Sighting (2016)
The Sighting of very little.
19 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
OK so straight off the film was originally called Travis because the main character is called Travis. That gives you some insight as to the thinking level of the writer.

Movie starts with hand held camera so I'm thinking found footage but I was wrong and that's just to set the scene.

So short intro bit with added gratuitous boob shot and 15 minutes later the opening credits. Like what the hell?? This film is in no way good enough for many people to even make it to the opening credits.

On to the main points. Kid is telling story in flash back mode of how he went to a party and all these kids vanished but he left before that happened. A Year later and he's on a road trip with his best friend to Canada. Stop at creepy gas station because all gas stations are creepy and get served by low budget guy that's trying his best to be Robert Englund and failing badly. The fact that Robert Englund himself makes very low budget films and wasn't in this should again serve as a sign of how bad this is.

Creepy guy gives directions for short cut which they take even though it's all signposted that the road is closed because stupid is as stupid does. In the interest of saving time I shall fire through a few facts to keep this a bit shorter.

A group of big foot attack kids in car. One goes missing the other goes back to gas station and listens to long story from creepy guy. Goes back into woods with first guys brother. Big foot attacks happen again. Brother is killed. Flash forward and guy is back to telling his story. Good cop bad cop situation ensues and bad cop says it's all in the guys head and that he was the killer and he probably killed the seven kids from the party at the beginning of the film. Here we have our second shot of boobs because even the boobs appear in a cops idea as to what goes on. Guy isn't arrested though because you know evidence is a thing and there isn't any.

Movie ends with guy driving back to the woods again and doing the whole "I'm gonna prove I'm telling the truth" speech to a video camera and stands waiting to be attacked. A sound is heard and credits roll. This leaves the audience to decide if it was him or if the big foot are real. However at this stage I'm sure nobody cares and are all just happy that it's over and that they can move along.
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