Hear My Song (1991)
A mostly forgotten delight
21 May 2016
I saw 'Hear My Song' every night for a week when we showed it at the cinema I worked at in 1991. The audiences were small, but then they always were back then for British movies on limited budgets. 'Hear My Song' came out without any of the showy publicity that so many other movies did that year, there were no press packs or standees in the lobby, but still it knocked spots of the majority of movies I had to sit through that year.

I loved its sly, charming leading man Adrian Dunbar, and his best friend the then all-but- unknown James Nesbitt as Fin and their adventure in search of a legend who (at that time) I'd never even heard of.

The story follows the classic Hero's Journey structure, and is filled with pathos, great music and scenery, wonderful performances from a stellar cast and a wry very- British sense of humour that still has me chuckling whenever I recount my favourite scenes.

I have a real soft spot for this film and always list it as one of my favourite British movies and force friends to watch my much sought after R2 DVD copy whenever I can. 'Funny Bones' which Chelsom also wrote and directed is a fantastic movie which rarely seems to get a showing on TV despite being one of Jerry Lewis' finest films IMO.
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