I will never see another Singer X-Men movie.
29 May 2016
For all of those writing in anything above 8 stars, I question your sanity. This movie is only a hairs breath above X-Men 3 in the entire pantheon. This movie is just bad. If you know the original source material, this movie will just kill you. A wise man once said, if you've got 4 screenwriters, you've got no good screenwriters. I've lived by that mantra, and this doesn't fail it. The writers take one of the most iconic mutant villains, second only to Magneto, and reduce him to vague and ominous (insert bad guy here) style of antagonist. Only a mixed up, ethos of the original character remains. They also take the villains original abilities and just give him any power they want. To play off this God persona of the character. It seemed like the only thing was written towards was another movie to introduce whatever cast they want to try and sign for the next 2 movies. There is one they wrote into their very own movie. "Everyone knows the third movie is the worst." Of course, a tongue in cheek reference to X3 (one of the worst movies I've ever seen). However, since X-Men first class, what do you know...it's the 3rd movie to try and reset the whole universe. Well, played Singer, but not well enough. We know your 3rd movie in this trilogy should be thrown out as well.
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