It's All About The Time.
30 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
If you couldn't tell, Alice Through The Looking Glass is about time itself. There is even a person named Time played by Sacha Baron Cohen. I like the idea of time in this movie. He ends peoples lives by closing stopwatches and puts the stopwatches in the deceased section of his castle. But he is probably the most inept character in the whole entire film.

Before I begin talking about what I liked, let me tell you what me and my sister (who went to see the film with me) really disliked. The movie is extremely preachy with it's message. It hammers it into are heads giving us brain damage in the process. The message of Time is precious is a dumb and obvious message. OF COURSE TIME IS PRECIOUS! Who wouldn't think that? The whole movie is Alice traveling in time. Time trying to restore time. Alice trying to restore time. Saving the universe from time itself. It is the most ridiculous thing ever.

Why do we have to have this overused and obnoxious message slammed into our faces? I like messages in movies that are vague. The Lego Movie which I continue to talk about to this day has a very great message but it's also vague enough for everyone to see. This movie is too preachy and tells us the message right away at the beginning of the movie and has extremely heavy handed symbolism to play with.

Now that I have gotten that out of the way, the movie is absolutely ridiculous even for an Alice in Wonderland movie. The whole film has a story that is to stupid for it's own good. Johnny Depp's Hatter character you can barely hear what he is saying. It's like hes trying to add a T and a H to every sentence he says. The movie has way to predictable lines and twists that most people can see coming from miles away. The movie is dumb. That's what I'm trying to say.

I would say from what I have told you that it's a so bad it's good movie, but in fact, I mostly enjoyed a lot of moments in the film in all seriousness. The colors and visuals are much more sharper and cleaner then it's 2010 counterpart which is a huge refreshment, Helena Bonham Carter's Red Queen is fun and has more character. I enjoyed the scenes with younger versions of the Wonderland characters.

But unfortunately, some of the acting is stuff you would see in a Wachowski Siblings film. Dry, Deadpan and emotionless. James Bobin (Who made the fantastic 2011 Muppets Movie) could have done a much better job with the actors. The movie needed more flare in emotion instead of focusing on solely and only on it's message.

If you don't know whether or not you should see Alice Through The Looking Glass, I suggest you wait for it to come to Netflix or Blu Ray. The movie can easily be skipped. But if you really want to see it, then go in knowing this is like a Sunday School Class only about time.

It's a really good film in my opinion, but unfortunately, the movie is rather too preachy.

89/100 B+
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