Neat thriller, done well on the cheap
30 May 2016
Don't let the cheapness of this British B-movie put you off, because it's actually a pretty neat little thriller with a good sense of time and place to recommend it. The storyline is very, very typical for this genre of film, but a seasoned cast acquit themselves well with the material. The film was adapted by Brock Williams from his own novel and directed by B-movie maestro Charles Saunders (he of WOMANEATER infamy).

The storyline is set in a car dealership where a couple of the employees are crooks planning the robbery of a local business. At the same time that this criminal plot evolves, there's a romance developing of sorts between the business owner and a new female employee. What follows is reasonably interesting and never less than watchable.

Although he plays only a minor role in the proceedings, the best actor in this is William Hartnell giving a delightfully shady performance. Richard Shaw is incredibly sinister looking as one of the gang members. Tom Drake is the typical imported American star but is quite likable with it. Shirley Eaton is here too but I was quite surprised by how poor her acting is; perhaps Saunders was in too much of a hurry to make her do many takes. In any case, for a film which clocks in at just an hour in length DATE WITH DISASTER is worth your time.
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