Sinatra can sure sing and dance as we know...but in DDM he does not show that he can act
13 June 2016
Dirty Dingus Magee is no classic western by any means. It is a ho hum comedy/western that lacks any appeal for Mr. Sinatra who plays a comedic run of the mill hobo thief. For most of the film he is wearing nothing more than a red single piece long john underwear and a really, really, I mean really bad teenager toupee that reminds me of Moe from the original Three Stooges. I guess the producers spent more on casting Sinatra in the lead role and ran out of money for a wardrobe designer?

George Kennedy plays a hapless sap that keeps getting sucked in to Dirty Dingus Magee's schemes to make them both richer and richer. Of course there is a string of horny ladies from the local cathouse, as well as the good looking actresses Lois Nettleton and Michele Carey who seem to be just dying to get into bed with these two over the hill actors Frank Sinatra and George Kennedy? Why are they so hot for lust with Dirty Dingus Magee and Hoke Birdsill? Well because that is probably the way Sinatra and Kennedy insisted the script be written to boost their aging egos.

This is a lousy western/comedy lacking any interest what so ever. Sinatra realized there was little interest in his screen appearances anymore from his hey days with earlier classic fine films like Pal Joey and Oceans 11 and so he only appeared in front of the camera four (4) more times spanning over the next 17 years.

Sinatra was always a good looking, lean, suave and smooth singing crooner who had natural charisma. Unlike actors such as Sean Connery or even John Wayne who continued throughout their acting careers to hold their audiences attention and fascination, Sinatra as Dirty Dingus Magee was a total bomb.

I am glad I watched it because I felt it is like when you drive by a bad car accident, you don't really want to see the carnage but human nature dictates you just have to take a look. And so I did with DDM, I watched it and I can only rate it a 3 out of 10 for good picture quality and nothing else.
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