The beginning of the month or payday killer
9 June 2016
***SPOILERS**** The police only clue to the string of killings in the L.A area is that he uses plow shears on his victims who are 30 or under blonde females and murder his victims on the first week of the month. That as it turns out is because it's right after payday and he's got enough cash to take them out on a date before he off them. The killer himself crazed and deranged gardener Carl Martin, Adam Williams, has this thing against young blonde women since his wife, also a blonde, kicked him out of the house when she realized that he was nuts as well as dangerous.

Doing gardening work for the Saunders plant and flower nursery Martin used it for covering up his crimes, with 25 pound bags of horse & cow manure, and keeping everyone including the police guessing to who he really is. A murderous psycho and woman heater who wants to get even with those-young blondes-that he feels have done him wrong. Martin even goes so far as getting into a gunfight with two highway patrolmen who caught him in the act. That's after he was caught red handed by them with a blonde, Angela Stevens, that he just murdered whom he picked up a a local bar the nigh before promising to show her a good time! With the L.A police lead by Lt. Pete Hamilton, Edward Binns, hot on his tail Martin slips up in trying to murder his boss Fred Saunders', John Maxwell, daughter Jane, Meg Randall,who besides being a blonde, those that he targets, but feels that she's on to him in his murderous actions around town.

***SPOILERS**** With Let. Hamilton and his partner Det. Sgt. Don Warde, Harlan Warde, arriving at his home to question as well as arrest Martin he slips out holding Meg , who came to pick up a plant he ordered for her, hostage. The final scene has Martin gunned down before he could do any more damage as both Let. Hamilton & Sgt. Warde double back and catch him off guard giving Meg a chance to escape.If Martin would have stuck to just gardening all this hurt and suffering on his part would have never happened. But the fact that his wife put the hurt on him by walking out on the creep flipped him out and used the tools of his trade, like plow shears and bags of horse and cow manure, to both commit as well as cover up his crimes!
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