Review of Casual Sex?

Casual Sex? (1988)
80s Ladies
14 June 2016
Particularly unfunny relationship comedy with Lea Thompson and Victoria Jackson as two women, one promiscuous and one not so much, who go to a singles resort looking to hook up with men. As it turns out, the pickings are slim and the ladies have to settle for Andrew Dice Clay and Stiles from Teen Wolf. This really was a chore to sit through. It never made me laugh and, despite the title, there is nothing particularly lascivious about it. We do get glimpses of Lea and Victoria's cute tushes but that's about it for anything sexy. The girls are both likable, although Lea is miscast as the slutty one. She just looks too wholesome to pull it off. Worth a look for the sheer Eighties-ness of it all but don't expect to laugh and certainly don't expect to learn anything meaningful about relationships.
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