The Rifleman: The Journey Back (1961)
Season 4, Episode 5
An episode made better by the actors
16 June 2016
Character actor, John Anderson, plays Will Temple that has a large scar on the side of his face. He got the scar when his Cavalry and was captured by Indians. When Will gave the Indians some information, they let him go with the scar instead of killing him. Now he has a large, scary scar that all can see.

Mr Temple has bought the land next to McCain's ranch and needs help clearing some land. Eagerly Mark wants the job and begins working for Temple. It seems that Mark and Mr Temple develop and accord with each other as Mark learns that just because he has a scar, he is still a nice person.

But when Lieutenant Vaughn from the special Cavalry unit come by the McCain's house, he tells them that he is looking for a deserter that is named Will. Now, Mark has to deal with the fact that the man he respects may be wanted by the Federal agent.

There really is nothing special about this story but the outcome seemed to be to the viewer's satisfaction. John Anderson, who we are use to seeing as a villain, does a nice job in the role as the main player that viewers have sympathy for the man's plight. Johnny Crawford also has a more grown-up role in this episode than we are accustom to seeing. This was an average show made better by the actors.
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