Not as good as 'Cheese Chasers' and 'Mouse Wreckers', still fantastic
19 June 2016
There are not many Hubie and Bertie cartoons around, and it's a shame. As well as hilarious and well-made they are wonderfully disturbing and deal with daring and dark subjects, especially this and 'Cheese Chasers' without ever trivialising.

While not their best cartoon, 'Cheese Chasers' and 'Mouse Wreckers' are superior, 'The Hypo-Chondri-Cat' is still fantastic.

It contains excellent animation, very like in 'Cheese Chasers' and 'Mouse Wreckers'. Attention to detail is meticulous, the colours are rich and vibrant and the characters are designed in a way that's distinctively Chuck Jones. Music from Carl Stalling always elevates cartoons he composes for to a higher level, have always said that he's my favourite of the regular Looney Tunes composers and he rarely puts a foot wrong and I don't think any differently still.

Here in 'The Hypo-Chondri-Cat', the orchestration is clever, rich and luscious, the energy, character and appropriately dark atmosphere are evident throughout and it not only fits with what's going on but adds to it.

Reviewers have commented on its very dark nature, and it's true that 'The Hypo-Chondri-Cat' is the grimmest and saddest of the Hubie and Bertie cartoons, not just the sometimes disturbing execution but the subject matter itself. That said, it is also very funny and entertaining, with the usual razor sharp wittiness and imaginative gags. The dream sequence is wonderfully surreal, and is as nightmarish to the cartoon's viewers as it is to Claude.

Even with the Hubie and Bertie cartoons adopting a bold twist on the cat and mouse dynamic, with the mice being the antagonists and the cat the victims, Hubie and Bertie are colourful and appealing characters and one does feel immense sympathy for poor Claude. Nothing to complain about with the vocal characterisations either.

Overall, fantastic cartoon though not my favourite of their cartoons. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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