Review of Baelor

Game of Thrones: Baelor (2011)
Season 1, Episode 9
GOT Binge...
20 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Sucks to see Drogo go down for being so hard core. Robb definitely put the kingdom first by agreeing to marry one of those chicks. I'm just ready for some freakin dragons.

Nice to see someone else finally realize how awesome Jon Snow is, but too bad he is stuck between a rock and a hard place. I hope he chooses to stay with the nightwatch because the rest of the kingdom is pretty effed already.

And apparently we have some witchcraft to save Drogo. It's cool as long as he cuts Joffrey's head off and has mortal combat with The Mountain. Looks like the dragon baby is going to be cursed from birth as well by witchcraft. A Drogo sized, dragon blood fueled, wizard would be pretty freakin awesome. Could give Jon Snow a run for his money. Ahh yeahh, Robb caught Jamie the sister banger. He may have passed Arya on the list of best sons of Stark.

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