Damaged (2014 TV Movie)
Horrible flick
22 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I have endured many a LMN awful movie, but this one hits the bottom. And it's a shame to see Chris Klein in such a loser. Playing a man that has no ability to be a husband or a teacher by falling in the throes of a under aged neighbor out to get him. And she did. As easy as pie. He had no backbone and loses everything and still runs to her to cry. I cannot believe anyone can be so stupid. The wife is as stupid as he is by entering the neighbor's house and peeking into her things and of course get's caught in the act. I mean how stupid can these people be? They deserve each other. There is no sympathy for any of the characters. The writer gave them no substance. No brains. No reality. If you are a Chris Klein fan, as I am, avoid this film. He's too good for this kind of trash. I hated the ending when the little monster got away with it. She goes through most of the movie with this empty headed look on her vacant face. Homely as well. I liked the wife, although working with a bad script. Sorry Chris, not worthy of your time.
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