Welcome Back, Kotter: Oo-Oo, I Do: Part 2 (1979)
Season 4, Episode 21
Arnold weds his bride with Kotter's ring
23 June 2016
"Oo-Oo, I Do" concludes with our final look at Barbarino's apartment (he himself absent), where the Sweathogs arrange a bachelor party for Horshack preceding his wedding to pretty Mary Johnson (Irene Arranga). Imagine his surprise seeing the delectable Juan Epstein in drag performing in high heels! Being ribbed about living in poverty gives Arnold cold feet, running off and leaving a note behind. Mary remembers his favorite movie and catches him in a cinema showing "Wuthering Heights," and the marriage is on again, right there in her uncle's storefront. In attendance are Mr. and Mrs. Kotter, rather handy because the absence of a ring prompts best man Gabe (with a nod of approval from Julie) to remove his own wedding ring to give to the groom. Gabe Kaplan wears the same beard he wore in his starring feature "Fast Break," and it's nice to see him present in this penultimate episode.
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