Maverick: The Belcastle Brand (1958)
Season 2, Episode 4
Bret Meets British Royalty
1 July 2016
The first ten minutes or so is among the most amusing of the series. After that, the episode settles into a routine trek across the desert of a WB sound stage. Nonetheless, the premise is a pregnant one— the down-home Maverick has to deal with a haughty, titled British family when they extend their hospitality after he collapses at their door. The culture conflict is mined expertly by writer Marion Hargrove for snappy lines. Then too, Britishers Owen and Elan manage the task of being snooty without being dislikable. In fact, the pixie-like Elan is quite a good actress, catch her many subtle expressions. It's also Garner in his absolute physical prime.

Good thing the premise carries the hour since there's not much action until a poorly staged climactic shoot-out. Anyway, kudos to writer Hargrove and the cast for the many amusing moments.
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