Angie Tribeca: The Wedding Planner Did It (2016)
Season 1, Episode 2
2 July 2016
In this second episode of "Angie Tribeca" the silliness continues, as Angie and Jay have to investigate the killing of a baker.

As with the first episode, the plot is not very important, and is just an excuse to throw one joke after another to the viewer. And with the first episode, the show does a great job in keeping them coming. From the very silly cameo by James Franco as Angie's former partner (and boyfriend that disappeared in strange circumstances) to the forensic doctor putting cream around the dead baker's body it is silly at its best. Some of the jokes come into the lame side (like the CSI-sunglasses on-joke that was already used in the first episode), but as with the classic movies this show drinks from, the show knows that a joke that may have been not very good the first time may make the viewer chuckle at the fourth or fifth time if they just keep going at it.

"Angie Tribeca" won't be the best series ever. But it is quite funny (if you like this kind of very silly humor).
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