Best thing DC has put out yet
3 July 2016
For the past several years, I have believed that Marvel has put DC to shame, but that has finally come to an end. I absolutely loved this movie, it made me laugh, cry and cheer. Wonder Woman has never been properly cast, first blondes, then finally a raven beauty, but blue eyes?? Wonder Woman, if you don't know, was Greek. Gal is from the same general area at least, and is as beautiful as any woman could be, and as tall as an Amazon. She was a wonderful choice, as was her theme music. Henry Cavill was the first proper Superman, even though Brandon Routh was very close... but I could never get past the fact that he always looked stoned. Hearing Ben Affleck was cast as the Bat was so very disappointing, but he pulled it off, better than ANY of them ever did. His voice was great (both of them) and he worked his butt off to look that good. More than that, I was a little pleased to see that both of the male leads are definitely balding (sure, I'm a little jealous, but I have a full head of hair at 51, with no signs of loss coming, so I got that going for me, which is nice). Casting Jason Mamoa was really a no-brainer, he was born to play Arthur Curry. Good job DC, you are finally pulling in actors that can play the part of these supers and super-humans (and yes, the Bat too, who is merely very strong, super smart and super resourceful) and look the part.

As for the 3 hours, I'm glad it was a single movie, I'm getting really sick of movies that don't end until two, three, or four movies later. Don't get me started on Justice League, I'd rather see it in one single 4 hour movie, and will no doubt wait til 2019 to watch them both.

I'm not really sure why the Green Lantern has been ostracized from DC's new lineup, but am far gladder that Ryan Reynolds left DC to go to Marvel and do Deadpool, which may be my favorite movie of this genre, ever. Off to review that, enjoy!
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