Surface (2005–2006)
What lurks beneath the waves of the ocean?...
5 July 2016
I happened to come across "Surface" by sheer random luck at the local DVD thrift shop. The synopsis on the back of the DVD box seemed interesting, so I decided to buy it. Although I had no particular expectations to the series, as I had never heard anything about it prior to finding it in the store.

I must admit that the 15 episodes were watched in a fairly rapid succession, because the series turned out to be fairly interesting. I watched it over five evenings, watching one disc of episodes per evening. While the show wasn't a dazzling jaw-dropper, it still proved entertaining, because it had a good storyline, and it also had some good acting performances.

The story is about a strange breed of massive aquatic creatures that are found roaming the deepest reaches of the ocean. A small group of people have set out to prove the existence of these creatures to the rest of the world, but they face ridicule by the media, and they find themselves face to face with powerful organizations who will stop at nothing to preserve secrets.

Right, well, while the story is fairly generic and straight forward, then it is still entertaining and fun to watch. It is the type of story that you quickly get immersed in, pardon the pun. And you want to watch more and see what happens next.

The characters in the series were good, well-detailed and chiseled out, and equally so put to life on the screen by the actors and actresses cast to play the various roles and characters.

The CGI effects in the show were adequate, and served their purpose quite nicely. However, don't expect to be blown away by dazzling special effects that will leave the rest of Hollywood special effects in its wake.

The 15th episode comes to a rather sudden and abrupt halt, especially since the show wasn't carried on. So the audience is left with a somewhat hollow and unfulfilled sensation, because there are so many unanswered questions.

"Surface" scores six out of ten stars from me. It is watchable and it is entertaining. Just keep in mind that you will not get a conclusion to the series, as it was canceled.
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