It is so bad
5 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I guess I should review this snoozefest while am motivated to waste even more of my time on it. First off, I did not watch the first film so I can not compare the two films. After this one, I'm not planning on ever watching the first Huntsman movie. Anyway, the biggest problem I have with the film is the predictability. The movie was so predictable that I literally knew what the story narrator was going to say before he said it. And why they do you need someone narrating the first 20 minutes of a 2 hour movie anyway? I'll tell you why, because it sucks. Oh, and I need to talk about Jessica Chastain. Jessica Chastain's accent is AWFUL! She sounded like an American doing an exceptionally bad impression of a Scotsman. Isn't Jessica Chastain an award winning actress? I know she did this movie for a paycheck but at the very least she could have pretended like she was taking the role seriously. But yeah, I'm not over exaggerating. Her accent was so laughable and goofy that I had to laugh the one second her voice went low and her American accent came out. But this movie was a lost cause before Jessica Chastain even came on screen. The action isn't nearly enough and the movie isn't even worth watching for the action anyway! If this sounds like a partial review of the movie, that is because it is. I stopped watching after 20 minutes. Time is something you can not get back and I didn't want to waste another second on this film.
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