Aloha! Oh wouldn't it be good to go back and see these in the movie theatre for the first time? Ah...
6 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those sweet and very special older Disney animated shorts that's very memorable and gives a lovely warm feeling of nostalgia while you're watching it, at least that is what I get from it. It has such a nice fun-in-the-sun vibe to it, and the gorgeous animation is so lovingly well detailed and everything moves so fluidly, it's a beautifully bright short. The sight gags are all quite funny and charming, such as Pluto chasing the cartwheeling starfish that looks like a tiny elephant for a moment as it runs away, and when he and the crab are mirroring each other's scuttle, and it makes me laugh when the tough crab tips up the top half of its shell like a bowler hat! Also there is when Mickey is playing the ukulele with his gloved hands looking like dancing figures very similar to the dancing gloves from "Thru the Mirror." Goofy gets most of the action while trying to hang ten with the rather uncooperative ocean waves which tease him and avoid his ironing-board like surfboard and eventually hurl the hillbilly dog and his board all the way back onto land which creates a rather macabre sight gag of him being buried in the sand with the board looking just like his tombstone! The jokes are so excellently in time to the music but it doesn't feel like that's all the short is about, like with some of the earliest Silly Symphonies. I love Mickey's adorable black dot eyes and the funny old timey bathing suit that Goofy wears. It's a sweet animation that's all about the humour and fun, just a good old fashioned solid cartoon short of pure joy, they surely don't make them like this anymore. "Until we meet again!"
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