Crashletes (2016– )
An insult to anyone who tried sports and weren't professional
5 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I actually am watching the first episode right now, and I am brutally disgusted. First, they use Rob Gronkowski in their show, which uses celebrity bate...However, it is not as bad as "All in With Cam Newton" with celebrity bate. Then, they also use Stevie Nelson, a actress, who is ALSO used for celebrity bate, for more grown viewers, because she was on shows like "Just Shut Up!" They also have Brandon Broady, which oh let's see, is ALSO celebrity bate because he was an actor, editor, and many other things as well. Anywho, let's get to the actually disgusting part.

On the first episode, the three of them said that less than one percent of anyone who tries sports actually becomes professional, and the show was made to "honor" the other 99 percent who failed. Then, they go to the scenes, laugh hysterically at the people's failures, then mock them. In one of the first clips, Rob Gronkowski calls a football coach for a bunch of these kids a 'bad coach' Which is very disrespectful.

Lastly, this show just seems outright forgettable. Let me have a list of shows that this will join in Nickelodeon's forgotten shows:

Paradise Run (hosted by one of Nickelodeon's most annoying characters ever, Trina Vega)


Figure it Out

Awesomeness TV

I can go on for days, so I won't waste your time. If you have the minimum IQ of 7 you know how cruddy Nickelodeon can be, since they run 95% on re runs. PS This does NOT include 90's nickelodeon, cause that was the bomb.

Anywho, you probably get my point why I don't like Crashletes. It's nothing towards you, it's just my debatable opinion. Thanks for reading.
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