She did it again
8 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is the music video for "Oops!...I Did It Again", a Britney Spears song from the year 2000. It runs 4 minutes as well, just like her big breakthrough song from 2 years earlier, but I must say this one here is improved. The chorus is catchy in both of the songs, but everything in-between is better here. It's also nice for Britney to share with us how she is turning from a girl into a woman (an issue she also took up in a song) and lets be honest here: Every teenage boy back then was drooling about Britney back then in her tight red outfit (and yes, that includes me as well). I liked the video, I liked the song and even if greatness is very rare, it was still a good watch and listen to. Also, these 4 minutes are an essential watch in understanding what pop culture was 15 years ago. I recommend checking it out. Well done Britney.
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