Review of Doom

Doom (2016 Video Game)
Rip and Tear
15 July 2016
I like modern FPS trappings but still enjoy old school revivals as Shadow Warrior and obviously the new Wolfenstein. The New Order still remains the sub-genre standard due to the unexpected quality of the narrative / presentation but Doom isn't far behind. The minimalist presentation is appropriately metal, the jet fast gameplay is a breath of fresh air (almost too fast for my DualShock4, so get the PC version) and the amount of secrets encourages exploration and replay. Most weapons, especial the Super Shotgun and Chainsaw, nearly manage to set new genre standards, which highlights weak links as the Assault Rifle even more. The glory kills system needs to be copied by other games, as it always forces you to keep killing, and killing and... The old school multiplayer is a decent addition but i will wait for Unreal to return. I look forward to the hinted at add-on and a tweaked sequel could re-influence a whole genre (again), even if i prefer the survival horror inspired Doom 3. 8,5/10
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