Tourism with a Difference
15 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Near impossible to discuss without spoilers, the plot of this science fiction yarn revolves around a single father who comes to believe that something is amiss with the latest guests at his country inn. It turns out that he is correct and the tenants are in fact time travelers from the future who go back in time to sightsee natural disasters as they occur. It is an interesting idea and one that taps well into humankind's natural morbid fascination with catastrophes. There is also quite a bit to consider with the way the tourists have the power to change the past but do not dare, lest they affect their present day reality. It never quite rings true how the innkeeper stumbles onto the secret through one of the tourists being careless, nor does it quite make sense that he would automatically believe everything he is told, but if one accepts the film's few improbabilities and runs with it, it is an encapsulating ride. Jeff Daniels is terrific in the lead role with his dedication towards his daughter, and his resentment over how he 'let' his wife die, resonating strongly. His performance becomes particularly dynamic in the final half-hour of the film as he travels back in time and gets to argue with his past self. Ariana Richards (from 'Jurassic Park') is every bit his equal as his mature daughter and the film is generally well acted. Released straight to cable/video in some areas, 'Timescape' has never quite gained the cult following that it perhaps should have and with the subsequent successes of director David Twohy, it deserves to be rediscovered.
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