Review of Dive Bomber

Dive Bomber (1941)
Holding a salute is mandatory Wrong headrest
18 July 2016
When pilots take off from carrier early in film they first show the three of them in planes with large light brown headrests then they show them in planes with small dark brown headrests. Before they take off McMurray does not hold his salute when receiving orders from the commanding officer; a great no, no. Tim and swede Larson also have not been schooled in how to salute. A minor point except to those of us who have been in the military. Film is very pedantic excessive minutia dialog. Since not at war as of filming. The RAF would have given Tim a very through physical after he was grounded by US Navy and would not have let him fly their planes if he was fatigued. Bad error in film. The Limeys are not that big a fools. The RAF plane that Tim flies is a silly little racer and not a real RAF fighter. Poorly done.
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