Indigenous (2014)
Panama looks good, but this retread of The Descent is very dull
18 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
PREY is another defunct American horror film, with the only thing going for it the location photography in the Panamanian jungle. Otherwise, it's clichéd business as usual with this weak sauce retread of THE DESCENT about a group of annoying American tourists who fall foul of some indigenous creatures lurking in a cave system.

This is the type of film that offers a little of a lot of things but never a lot of any one thing. It flirts with documentary realism and the found footage genre but never goes whole hog with it. It offers some racial tensions here and there but never explores the topic fully. There's a little gore too but this is never a bloody gore fest and gorehounds are likely to be disappointed by the lack of grue.

What the viewer is left with is an entirely predictable storyline, a bunch of annoying characters screaming and bickering, and others who are present just for eye candy alone. I think it's fair to say that PREY is nothing more than an instantly forgettable horror movie with a nice Panama location and nothing else.
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