A Worthy Ghostly Reboot.
21 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Ghostbusters (2016): Dir: Paul Feig / Cast: Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones, Chris Hemsworth: All female update of the classic monster comedy, Ghostbusters. This is a stand alone film that never succeeds the original but is a far cry from the mess that Ghostbusters 2 was. Kristen Wiig plays Erin Gilbert who wrote a book on ghosts with Abby Yates, played by Melissa McCarthy. Erin prefers to shade that experience in event of a possible promotion while Abby is shacked away with Jillian Holtzmann inventing weapons to fight the paranormal. Jillian is played by Kate McKinnon who steals scenes with sarcasm and bewilderment. Leslie Jones plays Patty Tolan who works at the subway where she has a paranormal encounter. Upon meeting Erin, Abby and Jillian she decides to join them and rigs up her uncles hearse with the Ghostbusters logo. Chris Hemsworth is hilarious as the newly hired secretary who hasn't two clues in his head. Director Paul Feig tries to bring together what worked originally combined with a screenplay that contains tense moments as well as a lot of humour. Many of the original cast appear in cameos while many of the original ghosts including Slimer and Mr. Stay Puff make appearances. The special effects lack the originality of the first film but they still manage to dazzle even when the Ghostbusters logo produces a giant problem. Wiig is dosed in slime twice and we cannot help but enjoy the memories. Some are opposed to its female approach but this reboot still produces lots of proton beams, ghastly images and green slime. Score: 8 / 10
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