Dummy Documentarian
22 July 2016
I'm sorry, kids....having written "The Rainbow Connection" and taking some time off for Recovery does not, in any way, give anyone the complete picture or even the scope of Paul Williams' music. I was SOOOO disappointed in this film. I felt sorry for Williams and his wife...this guy just started following them around and filming everything - no discretion, no important questions...and a focus on a small handful of songs from Paul Williams' incredibly prolific career. He asked NO intelligent or even non-cloying questions - like where were you born, what did you like in school, what was it like working with Kris Kristofferson and Barbra Streisand, who's your favorite Muppet?, has your process changed? What are you working on now, any new music? Etc...etc....this was done by a guy who made a documentary expecting Williams to come up with the whole script....he did no research, never listed Williams' credits or mentioned how many movies he wrote for...just loved his 'rainbow connection' sung by folks from all over the world. He spent a fortune and did nothing but dull Williams' reputation...I should have realized from the start the 'maker' was a jerk...why would you even THINK he was dead....the internet is readily available to use for RESEARCH as well as for publishing your own flat ideas.
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