Starts Promisingly But Once It Actually Reaches Washington...
25 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The first ten minutes of poking fun at the rustic war effort humor is mildly amusing, but once the pair actually land in Washington the humor gradually declines and the movie becomes merely wearisome. Alan Mowbray's role has obviously been extended, but his material is heavy- handed and he merely gets in the way. Mildred Coles is a pretty girl but she has little to do. The script-writing was taken out of the hands of Lum's Chester Lauch and Abner's Norris Goff and assigned to Roswell Rogers and Edward James. They came up with the "story" which was then polished into a screenplay credited to Roswell Rogers and Leonard Praskins. A fair bit of money was spent on the movie but lifeless direction by Ray McCarey definitely doesn't help. The movie is out of copyright and is available on a Grapevine Video DVD coupled with the far superior So's Your Aunt Emma.
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