Beautiful Small Independent movie
24 July 2016
Just saw the premiere of this movie at the Fantasia festival in Montréal. It is truly a beautiful movie with brilliant acting. Part of the beauty is that the director wrote that movie having in mind the main actor, a friend from when he was 8 years old and with whom he was making super 8 movies as kids. The movie was shot in the main actor's actual house. Some of the characters were the Director's aunt and uncle. This is the type of movie that seems ordinary but will haunt you (positively) for months. Why is it that Hollywood produces crap movies with hundreds of millions budget when something so crafty can be made for a minuscule amount of money?

I can't find better words to describe that movie than Dante in the "Divine Comedy": "In the middle of the road of my life I awoke in a dark wood, where the true way was wholly lost". That's what "Superpowerless" is about.
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