Review of Make Believe

Make Believe (2010)
Heart-warming and very well done documentary. Loved it!
30 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I have loved magic since I was a child. I would watch the old clips of Houdini wondering how he was able to escape from what I believed to be certain death! David Copperfield, Doug Henning, Penn & Teller, Lance Burton, and even Harry Anderson (the judge from TV show Night Court). I loved watching them all. I had no idea there was even a magic competition for young magicians.

I really like how this documentary puts the young people front and center. The cast themselves mention all the magicians I knew and a few I had never even heard of. The teens are all wonderful and very dedicated. The personalities covered a wide emotional spectrum. The kids are shy, and introverted, but they are also confident, and hilarious. All of the emotions are right there at the surface (these are teens after all). The filmmakers went further though, and showed the true depth of feeling each person has. They all truly love what they are doing.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++Small spoiler here!! Skip it!!! WATCH OUT!! +++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

There was only one off-putting person/moment in this movie. I believe it is worth mentioning though. There is an older woman magician. Supposedly she was great back in the day. I didn't know who she was. She started off great, and seemed to be taking a couple of the performers under her wing. Then her attitude and input turned very coarse and inappropriate when speaking with the only girl performer. She advised the young girl, who I believe was 16 or 17 years old, to use her body to be more famous. The older woman used crude and very offensive language with her "advice". Did not like her at all.

++++++++++++++++++End of Spoiler+++++++++++++++++++

Overall, the entire movie is very real and touching. The film shows what can be done with a documentary using an honest approach with no agenda. If you love magic, or your children do, watch this movie. It shows how hard work, dedication, and practice truly have a huge impact. Even if you aren't a big fan of magic, I bet you will still find the heart of this movie to be genuine, and universal.
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