A few good supporting performances and good production values are not quite enough to save a romantic comedy that's lacking in comedy and romance
3 August 2016
Admittedly, there are worse romantic comedies than 'Maid in Manhattan' and there are worse Jennifer Lopez films and performances. Saw 'Maid in Manhattan' because the cast are so talented, but it more often than not was very disappointing.

'Maid in Manhattan' does have some beautiful scenery and it is very nicely shot. It is also a case where the supporting cast are better than the leads, though all the characters are uninteresting genre archetypes. Particularly good is the adorable and very likable Tyler Garcia Posey, while Natasha Richardson is amusing and Bob Hoskins (with a speech that is the one script highlight of the film) makes much of a role that could have easily have wasted him completely, it's beneath him but as said he does much with what he has.

Unfortunately neither Jennifer Lopez or Ralph Fiennes are convincing. Lopez handles the cutesy moments well, but often looks stiff, does not convince as a maid and possesses leaden comic timing and the emotion parts feel forced. Fiennes is also stiff and charmless, he is a brilliant actor but honestly looks like he wants to be somewhere else. Chemistry is severely lacking between them, almost like they disliked each other. Then there is Stanley Tucci, who chews the scenery to pieces in a very irritating fashion.

The film's soundtrack is ham-fisted and heavy-handed and the direction is bland. Like 'The Wedding Planner', if not quite as bad, 'Maid in Manhattan is lacking in both comedy and romance. For romantic comedies to work, the comedy should sparkle and the romantic elements should touch. Sadly, the comedy is chock full of clunky and witless dialogue, while even for a story loosely based on the oft-adapted 'Cinderella' story the story is predictable and contrived with improbable comic mishaps and over-sugary schmaltz that it's nauseating, with no genuine emotional impact or wit.

On the whole, has nice production values and a few good supporting turns but badly let down by unconvincing leads and poor execution of the comedic and romantic elements. 4/10 Bethany Cox
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