Review of Roulette

Roulette (2012)
Horrifically Bad
3 August 2016
I don't know who wrote that initial glowing review, but I blame them personally for the excruciatingly painful 17 minutes I suffered in watching this film. 17 minutes was as long as I could take the torture.

Poorly written, poorly directed, idiotically stilted dialogue recited by insanely talentless actors. It didn't help that it seems they worked hard to only cast annoying, over-acting actresses with screeching voices. Massively amateur, and not in a good way.

The plot is filled with every stereotypical relationship/scenario. Whiny women and angsty boy-men.

I have no idea what they were trying to accomplish with the weird coloring... half the shots are a weird monochrome pinkish-red, others are some drab sepia with random pops of colored objects. It reminded me of those really unappealing color-separated photos of food in old 1950s magazines.

Avoid this movie at all costs!
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