The Baron and the Burlesque girl
6 August 2016
Once Upon a Honeymoon is a curious hybrid comedy drama released a year after the USA entered the second world war. In his heart it is a screwball romantic comedy starring Ginger Rogers as a gold digging burlesque artist who has bagged an Austrian Baron who is also a dubious Nazi. In fact they go on a goodwill honeymoon and every country the Baron visits falls into Nazi rule.

Cary Grant plays a hot shot reporter intrigued by the Baron and who wants to let Rogers know who her husband truly is. Over the course of the movie, Grant falls for Rogers and later Rogers decides to do her own bit for the Allied war effort and puts herself in danger.

Grant and Rogers make a good pairing, Walter Slezak is the crafty Nazi apparatchik. The film veers from comedy to exposing Jewish persecution by the Nazis. It is an odd mix but it somehow works and saves the movie from blandness.
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