The Remains (I) (2016)
The acting was okay but the storyline was a huge disappointment.
6 August 2016
There was some over-acting from the medium at the start. Other than that, I was mainly glad to see that the children could act, and did a pretty good job of it. Child-actors who are not just skilled enough to create the suspension of disbelief, but also are interesting to watch must be either difficult to find, or too expensive for most film-makers' budgets.

Apart from that the movie built up, built up, and then... poof. It was over, without a creative surprise or unusual twist- anywhere. Summary: some creepy things happened, it got more tense with the creepy things building up, we are waiting for the big blowout which was more of a predictable letdown, and then it was over (except for me sitting there swearing about what a crappy movie I'd just watched).

I recommend the viewers out there skip this one. Read a book, wash your dog, rearrange the sweaters in your closet by colour. I wish someone had told me the same.
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