Looking for good Horror? Then skip this puppy.
8 August 2016
First, despite the title this film has nothing to do with anything remotely Amityville. The effects were so poor. Come on folks, CG software is cheap and there are plenty of out of work effects people that could have done better with freeware. Of course there is always the story line. Except in this movie. Did these people make this up on the fly? So with no effects, no story line and no script how could you expect anything more? THere is always a place for mindless sex and violence on the screen, but here you won't find mindless, just useless. I must admit I am something of an Amityville Horror snob. I owned my first home in Nassau SHores only 1 mile from the actual Amityville Horror house. Yup, there really is a house that the first movie was based on. It was on a side street and the traffic got so bad the town of Amityville had to post no parking signs for a couple of blocks and post cops to keep the traffic moving. Well, the house in this movie was probably owed by the producer and he got a write off to use it for the film. I think that's the best thing that could have ever come form this piece of trash. To sum it all up.... don't waste your time on this treasure.
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