Beyond boring
13 August 2016
A young man tries to help his drug addict father and make a decent living in a deserted city where crime seems to be the main activity. A somewhat vigilante vampire comes to play and falls in love with him.

I tried hard to appreciate this movie. Visually it is interesting and dream-like, but it's an almost 2 hour wait for something to happen, that never does.

I was hoping the ending would bring some light into the giant metaphor I thought this was, but nope. If there's a metaphor in there, I missed it.

I'd give this slow, bland and boring film 3/10. A movie with such a poor plot can never be good, only a visual exercise. And this looks just like something a cinema student would present his class mates with.

Personally I'd stay away from it, but if your into Indy, slow, weird movies that go nowhere, you'll probably love it.
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