Going to have to play the original games again.
12 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Great movie for those who played the game as kids and a decent family film too. I'll have to emulate the first three games (I've a PS2 downstairs and bought each game as it was released though over about 13 or so years the games have either been lost or scratched up. I still miss upgrading the chicken gun in the first game to turn enemies into giant clucking chickens. Always loved the games and the movie doesn't disappoint either, though they naturally had to squeeze hours upon hours of game (I think I completed the first one twice to get the RYNO since it was the most expensive thing in the game, though with it the last boss became a 5 minute ordeal compared to a 20 minute whittle down his health) it's rather depressing that they can't make video-games like this anymore and have to make movies to immortalise them though the movie has everything from the game (even the hover taxis), just squeezed into an hour and a half. I can understand why critics mightn't like it, they may not have played the games; the movie is a great source of nostalgia for me back to a time where children's video- games were enjoyable either by children or adults and had serious replay value, it's sad to realise that game developers will now just make what they think makes money, or make 'casual games', there's very little out of the box thinking) if you're a fan of the game or have kids the movie is great (though somewhat rushed in areas since they tried to stick to the original game's narrative while giving it an almost complete (spoiler alert) ratchet was never in the galactic rangers ever in the video-games, but quark usually popped up here and there IIRC (end spoiler), a great daytime movie and even my cat hopped up on my lap to avidly watch it. It'd get a 9 out of 10 if they'd made a 2 hour movie that wasn't as rushed, but it's not a Disney-Pixar unlimited time and money animation so I'm sure the studio went as far as their budget would allow and even left it open for a sequel while not leaving things on a cliffhanger.

Personally I'd like to see the three original games made into movie form, even if it's direct to DVD, old fans of the game; I can remember sharing secrets locations of golden bolts how best to get through levels and such, which, sadly nobody does anymore (hence game developers jumping to procedural generation to make things more interesting, hopefully given five years or so they'll have procedural generation designed so no play-through is the same but the whole whispering of secret areas, things to backtrack to and game-play tips will be a schoolyard thing again, I wouldn't want children of mine growing up in such an artificially sterile world) I would assume because all they need is an internet walk-through or let's play videos on YouTube.

All in all, budget considered; it's an excellent adaption of video game to movie. I know I've rambled on about games, though it's a movie adaption of a of mind-blowing game, hopefully there will be more movies to come, it's just a pity that the critics gave the movie such a low score, for what it is it's worth eight stars; easily.

I look forward to hooking up my PS3 controller to my PC and playing the sequels to the original (I know the original back to front), hopefully this movie will inspire game designers to turn away from total realism and think outside the box a bit more, the Jak and Daxter and Ratchet and Clank game series' made my childhood, along with games like Abe's odyssey and Exodus.
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