Home Movie (II) (2008)
Muddled found footage horror with irritating characters
17 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
HOME MOVIE is, as the title would suggest, a found footage horror film although the horror elements are rather slight and this feels more like a drama about a dysfunctional family. There are elements of other horror films like PARANORMAL ACTIVITY here although it's worth noting that HOME MOVIE is a relatively early entry in the genre before its popularity really took off.

The storyline is straightforward, about your typical American nuclear family (husband, wife, son, and daughter) recording family events on their new video camera. Unfortunately for them it soon transpires that their children are rather malevolent, and when you see that the family owns numerous pets you get an idea of where this is going. Sadly, the execution is very poor, amateurish in fact, and the British horror film THE CHILDREN tackled the same subject matter in a much more involving and traditional way.

The main problem I had with HOME MOVIE is that the characters are so annoying. It seems that some or all of the dialogue was ad-libbed because characters just ramble on forever about irrelevant stuff. The husband is particularly irritating and most viewers will want to knock his block off after about five minutes. In addition, the camera editing and stylistics are too distracting, with random shaking and loud noises obscuring what would be clear-cut incidents. I didn't care for this film at all.
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