Knights of Sidonia (2014–2015)
Solid drama/mystery, excellent mecha battles, and some philosophical pondering on the side as well
20 August 2016
Excellent watch for both newcomers and experienced anime viewers alike.

Although it has a 3d animation which is not so common in anime, it is still put to good use in the battle scenes, but also in regular drama moments as well.

Most characters can easily be categorized into classic anime tropes, but this show doesn't pretend it is reinventing the wheel. It is doing the hero-saves-all thing in a very satisfying way. The hero is of course the center of a harem, but that theme is done quite tastefully here as not everyone drools over him.

The battles are top of the notch. Dynamic, intense, with plenty of cool moments, not just your regular what-the-hell-is-going-on-here battles.

And maybe my favorite part is the mystery and the many questions it presents the viewer, which are not to be taken lightly. It wonders about gender, love, friendship, and then delves into some more heavy themes like cloning, calculations with death as collateral damage, and some other ones( shouldn't spoil anything :) )

I give my humble recommendation. You are not gonna regret watching this!
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