(my wife upon us finishing this movie): "Its things like this that keep a marriage together."
20 August 2016
Somehow the director and sometimes actor David Winter of SPACE MUTINY (one of the hallowed classics in Mystery Science Theater 3000 lore) was unfrozen from his peaceful cryogenic sleep and was tasked in 2015 to make a dopey Step Up style dance movie. Lo and behold he concocts the kind of material that lucid nightmares are made of: ADR that would make Tommy Wiseau cringe, acting where it seems like Winter drank up their personalities to the point that the actors appeared like pod people out of a 1950s movie (which I might add Winter may have acted in!) and dancing which, while Im sure a little better than I can do, is still at best laughably funny and at worst a cacophony of off styles and choppy editing (ooh the climax ooh).

In other words, Winter may have topped himself from his Mutiny days; this is shockingly inept and terrible, a movie that might be simply forgettable crap if not for the fact that it got an *actual theatrical release on more than 100 screens* (though it somehow missed the missile silo known as Rotten Tomatoes). It features all of the separate elements that are part of what makes a movie a "movie"- romance, spectacle, location (Panama City and if you don't get that's where this is don't worry a montage will show you), choreography (in a matter of speaking), "humor", uh, ladies on stilts walking around a lobby, a token black bellhop who dances whenever someone he talks to walks off screen)- but its as if the cook putting this stew together hit his head on solid concrete and then threw it all on to a final cut pro time-line and said 'eh ***k it." This is a The Room level disaster.

I almost wish I could go into all of the things that make this so awful but simultaneously uproariously monumentally wall shatteringly funny but you got to see (and hear) the miasma to believe it. This group of Community theater dance players (with a forgotten Z level action hero as the strangely one dimensional "fighter" cum hotel owner father of the girl who falls for the - gasp - dishwasher dancer at the hotel he runs and the father cant stand the double gasp she may like him!) is among the least talented and pushed to less than zero degrees.

Oh and not to mention all of the super on the nose songs and things like the guy who goes through the pains of love (hint the hotel owners daughter is forced into a relationship with a preppie manager at the hotel) having an ANGRY DANCE ACROSS THE CITY MONTAGE! Or how people randomly, in this surreal candy-colored-clown-surreal landscape break out into dancing and food fights and the lighting looks like it's by a guy who's never thought about things like a THREE POINT LIGHTING set, oh, nevermind.

The key thing is this is sincere, and because of that it commits to its worldview which is 100% banana-pants. It deserves to be discovered and have midnight screenings in major cities with people cosplaying as minor characters in the darn thing. Its the stuff cult classic is made of... And its so bad.
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