Escaping Polygamy (2014–2019)
Love to see people getting out of polygamy
22 August 2016
I think the show is great and shows the world how evil the Kingston clan is. Also I would like one of the three sisters to contact me. I am their grandfathers brother. I think the show is great and really enjoy seeing people leave the clan. I left the clan around 1968. I have written a book about the way the clan killed or had killed my father in 1947. If one of the three sisters which to contact me they can at: I think it is terrible how the Kingston clan treats people. When my brother Ron died ( the girls grandfather ) he disowned me just like the clan teach's. I was told by my other brother that Ron only considered members of the order to be his family.I was not considered to be his brother anymore. My book is titled: Murder At The Mine. It is only on amazon through one of the book stores in Salt Lake City that carry it. Other wise it has to be gotten from me on my web site:

Thanks and keep up the good work with the shows. Charlie
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